What am I in the business of?

I love Florence but never as much as the finocchiona I taste as soon as I finish work!

Have you ever seen the majesty of Michelangelo’s David? Have you ever lingered your gaze on the facade of Florence Cathedral? Have you ever been fascinated by the blooming gardens of the Medici villas?

Well, that’s what my job is all about: to act as a conduit to communicate emotions, to build tours and itineraries to communicate the history and life of Florence to those who don’t know it, and to delve into other aspects of it with those who already know the subject matter.

With me you will discover the hidden corners of the Tuscan capital, and it will be my pleasure to entertain you with tales and anecdotes from the past.

An example? Well one of the tours that I am most passionate about is definitely the Passeggiata Dantesca, because it allows me to let participants discover who the Italian Poet was, where he lived, what places in Florence he materially passed through, who were the women he loved, where he went to have fun as a young man, what friends he hung out with, when he participated in the movida, what was his favorite chat (obviously offline considering the era).

But a tour does not only involve the eyes! Taste and smell also want their part. That’s why during my tours I never miss a stop at the Central Market to learn about and appreciate the city’s traditions and character through food and spices.

What are we left with after a tour? It is not the dates or the notions, but the emotions we experienced while looking at a painting, a palace, a historical figure or drinking a glass of wine.

silvia iovino guida turistica

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